Click here for INFORMATION to help with your thinking slips over the weekend P5!
Click here for INFORMATION to help with your thinking slips over the weekend P5!
Check out more ANIMAL facts on our Zoo link on the right hand side of this blog!
recycle Mrs C’s Christmas Tree in one of the animal enclosures after seeing an article on Newsround this week about keepers hiding food in trees to keep the animals happy!
Keep checking your email box Aiden so we know what Edinburgh Zoo answered!
Everyone will love our Reindeer Decorations and fun Snowman Poop only a £1 to buy at the Christmas Fair 2018!
Congratulations to all our acts you were wonderful -well done ✅
exciting dojo point news…..lots of pupils in our class are due a certificate at our next assembly some pupils have moved to gold, some to platinum and 1 pupil to DIAMOND! Well done everyone -we are proud of you!
today we considered how people communicate if they have issues with any of their senses and how we can learn to communicate with children everywhere ….even Japan!