Please see the link for the new school meal menu starting October 24th 2016 – April 2017.
Please see the link for the new school meal menu starting October 24th 2016 – April 2017.
Please find below information on tennis sessions at Kirkton Park in Bathgate during the October break that may be of interest.
KPTC and our new courts are hosting holiday camps during October break from Monday 17th-Friday 21st October 2016. The camps are split into following age groups 2-3pm: 5-8 years, 3-4pm: 9 and 10 years and 4-5pm: 11 years and older.
The coaching will be provided from Eoin Swan who operates the Junior Tennis Livingston programme on the other side of West Lothian.
To book on for full week or for single day please use following links:
5-8 years (Red Balls) –
9 and 10 years (Orange Balls) –
11 years + (Green Balls) –
Please find attached a Parent’s Guide for online school payments. It details the screens when logging in and using iPayimpact and also toward the end deals with those who encounter the ‘time out’ bug and what you need to do.
If any parents cannot log in after following the instructions please contact the school and we will refer you to someone who can help.
I hope you find it easy to follow.
Mrs Brennan
Following on from the Parent Council meeting, the Christmas Fair was discussed.
It is taking place on Friday 2nd December from 12 – 2pm.
It was decided to open the Fair up to include sellers of jewellery etc at the cost of £10 a table. If anyone would like to be included in the Christmas Fair, can they contact the school for more details.
Helpers to set up the hall etc would be most welcome also.
More details to follow.
Thank you.
Minutes from tonight’s Parent Council Meeting. The next meeting will be on Thursday November 10th at 6pm in the school. All welcome.
We are looking forward to meeting all of our parents and carers at the Parents Meetings on Friday.
This a great opportunity for us, when you are in school, to gather your views so there will be some “stalls” set up and we ask that you please visit them.
We are encouraging the children to come along with you and join in the meeting, with their teacher; because we believe that they should be part of this discussion about them, but it is up to you.
If you are unsure of when your appointment is then please call us on 01506 653103.
Many Thanks
Here is a copy of our October Newsletter. We hope you find it informative.