Tag Archives: Communication

Clicked – social media information leaflet for parents

Clicked leaflet – internet safety advice for parents

Please find attached an information leaflet for parents which has been released by the National Parent Forum of Scotland. It contains advice for parents on using social media appropriately and the possible impact upon their children and the school community of inappropriate posting.

Our Info gang meeting today was cool…..

We viewed our new School website which is in the process of being set up….we like how our blog and twitter accounts are ‘ live ‘and we couldn’t believe how good P3 were in their Twitter video saying their Scottish Poem.

The info gang thought this would be great for parents and people at home to see what is happening with pupil learning in our school all in one place.

Dont forget Info Gang now you have added a mailbox to your Launch Pad Mrs C has left you an email challenge so log in to GLOW and see if you can email Mrs C back!

The Info gang have an announcement…

..to highlight Antibullying Week 2017 and the start of our Friendship Week in Our Lady Of Lourdes on the 13th November Mrs Brennan has agreed to let pupils wear odd socks to school to celebrate how unique we all are! The Info gang will be on hand in the playground at their very own friendship post for advice at breaktimes make sure you visit them and find out what’s happening !