Tag Archives: Citizenship

Lent 2017 in P4/5 starts with our promise tree….


P4/5 are having some thinking time before ASH Wednesday this week to consider things they may do to help others as they countdown to Easter . We are going to have a promise tree on our altar so we can focus each morning on the tasks we have set for ourselves during these 40 days.Also on our altar we have placed a wee box hoping to raise some money for SCIAF so if you have any spare change at all…..

A Snapshot of This Week’s Learning

Primary 1/2

P1/2 have been learning how to write sums quickly and have spent lots of time finding out facts about the sun and the moon.

Primary 2/3

P2/3 have been learning about place value in Maths, using hundreds, tens and units. They have also investigated the 7 new planets and even named them!

Primary 3/4

P3/4 have started to learn all about division. They have also learned how to write a newspaper report. They wrote about The Titanic.

Primary 4/5

In cook school, P4/5 have learned how to make Chinese Ginger Chicken and noodles. Evan S said it tasted amazing! Even though he doesn’t like soy sauce, he tried it. Well done!

Primary 5/6

In Grammar, P5/6 have been trying to improve their knowledge and understanding. In Maths, they have been working really hard on equivalent fractions.

Primary 6/7

P6/7 had the opportunity to talk to lots of different people in the community about their career as they attended the first part of this year’s Schools Conference. Their answers and pieces of advice really made everyone think about what their future career might be. In Numeracy, lots of hard work has taken place on equivalent fractions. Some number talks were fitted in as well! In Literacy, preparations are well under way for World Book Day, as everyone created a book for their buddy in P1.


Happy New Year 2017 Everyone!


Welcome to our brand new year at school P4/5 and its great to see everyone back safe! We hope you all had a fabulous time with your family and friends and we are looking forward to lots of learning adventures in term 3! From Mrs C, Mrs Robertson and Mr Haddow.

Remember if you have a new device and are bringing it to school to ask your teacher for an AAL contract for parents/guardians to sign……


Hi everyone,

We have registered BLES Training with Galaxyhotchocolate.com where if we receive enough votes could win £300.  As you know we never do things just for ourselves.  If we were successful, we were asked what we would do with the money and how it would benefit the community.

We have collectively agreed, if successful we would make a bench that would be made by our young people at BLES then donated within the community focusing on the elderly which would bring together the different generations.

Through email, facebook and twitter we are asking you to share the link below with as many of your friends, family and work colleagues and ask them to vote for BLES Training


Thank you in advance as always, your support is really appreciated

Kind regards

Lynne Wishart

Training Officer

BLES Training

BLES recently worked with our Primary 7 pupils on a very successful training programme, introducing them to possible jobs / skills to focus on for the future.

P4/5 are rehearsing their Christmas Song…

snowmanFor our concert 2016 we would ask if the pupils could please learn the words of the first 2 verses really well(we have a soloist for the 3rd verse)

Costumes can be sparkly/jumpers/hats /Colourful tops red or green would be brilliant! Get your costume in a poly bag with your name on and bring it in to school as soon as you can.Rehearsals are in full swing!

Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia,
Christ the Saviour is born!
Christ the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night!
Son of God love’s pure light.
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth