Tag Archives: Active Learning

P3/4 this week.

This week has, once again, been extremely short!  However we still had time to continue with our topic and find more information about some famous Scots. We are going to use these to build up our Power Point presentations.

We started thinking more about what we needed to learn and wrote our personal targets for our writing and our maths.  Then we used our writing targets to write our New Year’s Resolutions!  Most of us wrote about how we needed to be more active and get outside for some fresh air.  In PE we continued to think about being active and how this helps our general fitness.  We exercised our hearts and did some basic yoga moves to exercise our muscles!

Image result for Yoga moves for children

A busy week in P3/4!

This week P3/4 made a book shop for money week.  We made signs and created our own bank notes, coins and posters.  We looked at prices for books we wanted to buy for the book shop too!  The shop will stay with us for a while to enable us to play and learn when we return from our October break.

We also went to Tesco! It was fabulous, we learned so much and enjoyed the whole experience.  Thank you Tesco.

On Friday, for our topic …


Well done P3/4.