they have all made a fabulous start this week. Settling into new class routines, meeting and sharing ideas and resources during activities ,reconnecting with their class family -it has all been really positive.Mrs C and Mrs Robertson are really looking forward to helping you achieve your goals and targets talked about in class this week and hearing a few jokes from our new writing activity. Michal its your turn for Week 2 and many thanks to Jasmine for her great idea of compiling a Joke of the Week Book and decorating it so artistically today!
A huge thank you to all P3 pupils and their families!
Mrs C and Ms Robertson have been overwhelmed this week with all the lovely cards,kind words and generous gifts that have been steadily arriving in .We both wanted to thank you all so much ,dziękuję, uch!
We want to wish you all a fabulous,relaxing time with your family and friends and wish you lots of Good Luck for P4 we know you will love it!
Calling all new P5 pupils ………..
You will be excited….. Mrs C has reset passwords for her new class and added them to brand new diaries to keep safe!
If any pupil would like to try out their password over the holidays just pop in and ask Mrs C in the morning!
P3 saying goodbye to a special pupil tomorrow..
an important member of our class family we wish her all the best on her new adventure, we know she will do well! xxx
Brand new school website….keep up to date!
Click here to view our new website!
Keep up with all the latest school events and Blog and Twitter posts all in the one place!
Add the website to your home page on your phone so you have the latest information about our school!
Summer Holidays – don’t be bored try these P3!
What a wonderful afternoon of talent…..
Congratulations to all our acts you were wonderful -well done ✅
Get your own device out and try this link P3….
P 3 check out a new times table link
Every week we are trying hard to improve our BEAT THAT SCORES so why not get some practice using our link to a super times table website right here down the right hand side of our blog under links for pupils…..good luck!
P3 Pet showcase SWAY…
P3 Pet showcase June 2018 | |
A huge thanks to all our families and friends for sharing their pets with P3 today, we really enjoyed having such well behaved animals in our playground! | |