Katie tried a SWAY too…..
Wishing all our classes a wonderful October Break!
Stay safe while enjoying the outdoors,relax and spend time with your family playing some board games ,reading a new book, or designing some Autumn Leaf Art!
Tjay produced this SWAY -well done!
So proud of P5 creating Autumn Sways in class…
How many can you remember P5 ? Try here…..
P5 create Spelling wordclouds here!
Spelling Word Cloud Click here-have fun and learn…..
Can you spot any errors? Now carefully create your own! Can you upload them to your ONE NOTE class notes page?
P5 can we identify Mrs C’s tree?
P5 are looking forward to Health Week starting 1st Oct…
Get you PE kit organised for next week as we have a whole lot of activities planned in and out of school(jogging trousers?) for you all to try!
Ever wanted to play tennis? Have you attempted to play Golf -well now is your chance
P5 get organised over the weekend for all the fun next week starts at 855am so ask your family and friends to join us join us in the playground for our Launch …
P5 don’t forget to bring some cakes or money tomorrow….
….if you can for our Coffee Morning to raise funds for MacMillan Cancer Charity. It would be great to see your own cake creations ! Thanks so much!