So proud of all the many parents ,friends and even babies in buggys who came
along to support our generous pupils who donated money for Cancer Research for Children this morning.
Mrs C/Ms Robertson’s maths set have agreed their targets for the term now and are busy looking at patterns and sequences using interactive games in class and at home using Education City home licenses. Please encourage your child to log on with their personal password so we can track their success !
Our new house captains were chosen a few weeks ago. They are as follows:
St Kentigern’s – Melissa Pender & Jessica Armstrong
St Margaret’s – Annie Reynolds & Abbie Russell
St Columba’s – Abigail Mitchell & Katie-Marie Stevenson
St Andrew’s – Renee McNeil & Rosie McGowan
We wish the girls good luck in their new posts. Look out for their photos coming soon.
P6/7 are hosting a coffee morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Research on Friday 25th Sept from 10:00am – 11:30am in the school assembly hall. This charity is a huge help to anyone suffering from cancer and we hope that you will join us on the day to support them. Feel free to bake and buy as many cakes as you want!!! Spend! Spend! Spend!
P6/7 have had a fun and exciting start to the year. Our topic this term is Rock Band. We have made our own bands, designed our own characters and written profiles on them. There has been a lot of art work involved because we have designed our own band logos and amps. Third level maths has been challenging but we have been enjoying it. Our buddies are excitable and lively. It was tough at the start but now we really feel like we are getting to know them. We are really looking forward to the MacMillian Coffee morning on Friday 25th Sept. Please come along.