Category Archives: Primary 7

Looking forward to spending some time in P6/7 next week……

We are going to have a very busy week skateboarding, completing our entries for the Young Writer of the Year competition and selling Leprechaun Muffins after we have visited the church for Stations of the cross on Friday! Phew!

Looking forward to it all -check out your class YAMMER page as i have added a challenge for you , i wonder how many pupils will manage to complete this by Wednesday? Technology Dojo point available! From Mrs C

P6/7 Reflect on our Nurture Afternoon

Today, we spoke a lot about the benefits of our Nurture afternoon yesterday, when we spent time with members of our family and our staff watching a film. We discussed how us, our families and our school form a triangle and we’re always thinking of ways to help strengthen the bonds between all three parts of the triangle. We decided that the stronger these links are, the more successful learners we will become. Here are some quotes about what people in our class thought about yesterday:

“It really brought the school together and made everyone friendlier”


“It brought our school community together”


“We learned about friendship”


“It gave us time to bond with our families”


“It showed us how similar we all are”


“It lets our families bond with our school and the staff”


“It gave us time to relax and have fun with our families and our teachers”



The Risk Factory……..

P7 visited The Risk Factory in Edinburgh today. It was really good fun and we learned loads about how to stay safe in lots of different situations.

Here are some quotes:

“Words can’t describe how fun it was”


“The best trip I’ve ever been on”


“It’s definitely worth waiting for”


“It was excellent”


We can’t wait for the P6’s to experience all the fun next year!