Category Archives: Primary 4

This week in P3/4

Well done to the children who undertook the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, on Wednesday evening.

Olivia – I liked looking at the timeline of the Titanic disaster.

Alix – I enjoyed music.

Sophie – I enjoyed doing Yoga yesterday.

Lexi – I liked doing the division ‘step’ concept in maths.

Adrian – I liked doing Yoga.

Katie – I enjoyed doing the Go Noodle.

Tjay – I enjoyed making the certificates for display.

Daisy – I enjoyed doing PE with Mrs McAlpine.

Ellsie – I enjoyed colouring the awards for display.

Kyran – I was pleased that I undertook my Sacrament.

Well done P3/4!

Primary 3/4 this week.

This week we  …

Lexi – Enjoyed the dividing, in maths.

Olivia – Enjoyed creating the Values poster.

Brooke – We did fractions.

Chloe Demi-Lee, and Faith – Enjoyed doing the dividing.

Daisy – I loved doing the Values posters.

Katie – I enjoyed doing the fractions with the pancakes!

Pati – I liked doing the Yoga in PE.

Evie – I liked the Yoga as well.

Alix – I enjoyed world book day and dressing up.

Marcus – I loved picking our favourite books.

Brooke – I enjoyed doing my passenger portrait in topic.

We also enjoyed our music session as we wrote our own verses for a Titanic song using the tune to Row Row Row your boat.  We also developed our grammar by working on plurals (P)3 and nouns including proper nouns (P4).  In our Titanic topic, we got together with 4/5 and got into our passenger groups and looked at the journey the Titanic made, we then used maps to plot the journey.

Lent 2017 in P4/5 starts with our promise tree….


P4/5 are having some thinking time before ASH Wednesday this week to consider things they may do to help others as they countdown to Easter . We are going to have a promise tree on our altar so we can focus each morning on the tasks we have set for ourselves during these 40 days.Also on our altar we have placed a wee box hoping to raise some money for SCIAF so if you have any spare change at all…..