Category Archives: Primary 4

This week in P3/4

This week in our topic we used art materials to create a jungle collage; we used lots of different materials to create texture and interest. Using ‘The Jungle Book’ and ‘Tarzan’ stories for inspiration we wrote imaginative stories about being brought up in a jungle, using describing words to make our stories interesting and exciting. In music the children are continuing to learn some of the music from the Jungle Book, including ‘I want to be like you’.

This is what the children said about their week …

Ellie “I enjoyed making the collage in our art lesson.”

Zoe “I liked learning the monkey music.”

Chloe “I like the jungle collage.”

Evan “I learned about collage.”

Lauchlin “I learned that there is more than just half past, quarter past and quarter to.”

Ruby “I learned about half past, quarter past and quarter to.”

Alix “I learned about time.”