Category Archives: Primary 4

AAL team to the rescue!

Mrs Conaghan was very kind to come into P2/3 class and read them a story about ‘Scaredy Squirrel’ on EPIC.

P2/3 loved the story and wanted to be able to use EPIC to find more stories about scaredy squirrel. Very kindly the AAL team from P4/5 came in to show us how to use EPIC on the ipads. They helped us to set up our profiles, choose what books we liked and how to read them.

Thank you AAL team!


Growth Mindset Feedback

P2/3 created squirrel pictures using Autumn leaves from outside for their tails. We were really proud of our squirrels and so we took them to show Mrs Conaghan and P4/5.

We then took part in a feedback session about what we did really well with our squirrels and what we could try to do next time. Using their own feedback, some pupils in P4/5 then went on to try and make their own squirrel pictures also using leaves and came to show us in P2/3.

All squirrels now share our Growth Mindset feedback tree which is in Miss Robb’s P2/3 class.

Dont they look great!
