Category Archives: Primary 4

P3/4 this week.

This week has, once again, been extremely short!  However we still had time to continue with our topic and find more information about some famous Scots. We are going to use these to build up our Power Point presentations.

We started thinking more about what we needed to learn and wrote our personal targets for our writing and our maths.  Then we used our writing targets to write our New Year’s Resolutions!  Most of us wrote about how we needed to be more active and get outside for some fresh air.  In PE we continued to think about being active and how this helps our general fitness.  We exercised our hearts and did some basic yoga moves to exercise our muscles!

Image result for Yoga moves for children

Happy New Year 2017 Everyone!


Welcome to our brand new year at school P4/5 and its great to see everyone back safe! We hope you all had a fabulous time with your family and friends and we are looking forward to lots of learning adventures in term 3! From Mrs C, Mrs Robertson and Mr Haddow.

Remember if you have a new device and are bringing it to school to ask your teacher for an AAL contract for parents/guardians to sign……

Do you know we have our own school video channel?


Using your waffle find the GLOW tool that says video, click and then search for Our Lady of Lourdes Blackburn in the channels list! If you are filming in class this is a great safe space to let other GLOW users admire your work! Check out the films that have already been uploaded!

I look forward to seeing lots more films there in 2017…..need help just shout on the AAL team who are always available for help and advice!