Category Archives: Primary 4

This week in P3/4

This week we started working on our Multiplication.  P3 started on the 2 times table and multiplying 2 digit numbers by 2. P4 revised the 2, 5 and ten tables and worked on the 3 times table and multiplying 2 digit numbers by 2, 3 and 5.  This found this a bit tricky!

In literacy we started our reading groups again and working on becoming fluent.  We worked on our grammar skills, remembering our nouns, verbs and adjectives and did a spelling test of our common words.  Within our writing we also wrote about our Famous Scot, by using the information we had gathered for our Power Points.  Then in topic we continued to develop our presentations.  We found out that collecting notes and using them was a bit tricky too!

There was fun with Google Glasses on Monday and in PE we continued our Yoga, although we have decided to use Cosmic Kids Yoga site as this looks really good (see link below).

Olivia – I enjoyed doing our Power Points.

Evie – I enjoyed the Yoga.

Ellsie – I enjoyed the times tables.

Kyran – I enjoyed topic.

For homework we are learning the Scottish Poem, Street Talk by J.K. Annand, we will be reciting these in class on the 21st January.


Street Talk

There was a rammie in the street,

A stishie and stramash.

The crabbit wifie up the stair

Pit up her winda sash.

“Nou what’s adae?” the wifie cried,

“Juist tell me what’s adae.”

A day is twinty-fower hours, missis,

Nou gie us peace to play.

“Juist tell me what’s ado,” she cried,

“And nane o yer gab,” cried she.

D’ye no ken a doo’s a pigeon, missis?

Nou haud your wheesht a wee.

“I want to ken what’s up,” she cried,

“And nae mair o yer cheek, ye loun.”

It’s only yer winda that’s up, missis.

For guidsake pit it doun.