Category Archives: Primary 2

P 2/3 Sponsor Bounce

bounce 045On Wednesday 25th March P 2/3 did  a sponsor bounce to raise money for charity. Our class’ charity is ‘Team Jack’ .bounce 014Some of us bounced a small ball using a racket and some bounced a ball using our hands.bounce 040 When we were not bouncing we counted someone else’s bounces.bounce 056 Some of us bounced on a space hopper. bounce 003Lots of us bounced ourselves off a spring board. bounce 018Bouncing was fun, it was exciting and it was tiring. We hope to raise lots of money. We will let you know!

P2/3 Made Mother’s Day Cards

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P 2/3 with their finished Mother day cards.

We folded a piece of card. We chose the colour of tissue paper we wanted to use. Then we cut the tissue paper into circles.

Using glues sticks we glued the circles onto the card, starting with the biggest circle and finishing with the smallest.

Next we scrunched up yellow crepe paper for the middle. Then we finished the flower by drawing the stem and scrunching the tissue paper to make it look like a real flower.

Lastly we wrote ‘MUM’ at the bottom and wrote a message inside the card.

We hope our mums liked their card!