Category Archives: Primary 2

Trying Thursday Health Week P2/3………

Our word for the week in P2/3 is “try”. This is to encourage us to try our best at all the activities we are doing this week and also relates to growth mindset which we have been learning about this week.

Yesterday we had the police come and talk to us about being safe on bonfire night.

We also had fun in music with Mrs Lang learning songs about being healthy and also practicing songs for our St Andrews Assembly later this month.

We also had a lot of fun trying kurling for the first time and everyone was really good and worked well in their teams!


We also took on a squat challenge at the start of the week. Using flower by Moby (song) we have to squat when the song says ‘down’ and stay squatting until the song says ‘up’. We managed the whole song yesterday! Watch a short clip of us doing it below:


Beginning of Health Week in P2/3


P2/3 Have had a fun filled start to our Health week. On  Monday we started by doing some Yoga and Dance. Then in the the afternoon we went outside into the MUGA with Mrs McAlpine then Mr O’Toole showed us how to play Golf. On Tuesday we met Jake who took us for Judo which was great fun. Then Sandra did some Zumba which was really exciting! Then at the end of the day we went outside for a daily mile and collected some Autumn leaves to make pictures with them on Thursday.

Looking forward to the rest of the week!

Read Write Count Event – SAVE THE DATE!

rwcRead, Write, Count is a online resource for parents with young children. It’s full of ideas that help children learn and have fun along the way too!

Blackburn schools are very fortunate to be part of a Launch Day for all P2 and P3 children. Parents and carers will be invited along on the morning of FRIDAY 25th NOVEMBER for ideas and goodies! MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW… Have a look at the website for yourself…

Parents Meetings

We are looking forward to meeting all of our parents and carers at the Parents Meetings on Friday.

This a great opportunity for us, when you are in school,  to gather your views so there will be some “stalls” set up and we ask that you please visit them.

We are encouraging the children  to come along with you and join in the meeting, with their teacher; because we believe that they should be part of this discussion about them, but it is up to you.

If you are unsure of when your appointment is then please call us on 01506 653103.

Many Thanks

Mrs Brennanparent_meeting_clipartparents-meeting