All posts by Ms Gavin

P3/4 this week

This week was very exciting. We had the Rookie Rock Stars in all week and the children loved working with them. We are really looking forward to the concert next week.

We were also excited because we started our new topic about The Celts who lived during the Iron Age. The children discussed and shared what they knew about the Celts and discussed what they wanted to do within the topic. We started by looking at clips about the Celts, sorted a historic timeline and used Atlases and maps to plot where the Celtic nations were in Europe.

We learned about the history of Guy Fawkes, Bonfire night and how to keep ourselves safe. We also learned about Acrostic poetry and used the word ‘Fireworks’ to write a poem of our own. Then we made firework pictures using chalks and glitter paint.

Fizzing fireworks

In the air

Rockets roaring

Everyone stare!

Why are fireworks dangerous

On bonfire night everyone cheers

Rocket shooting fireworks

Kool fireworks whizzing by

Some people cheer.  by Julian


Fireworks fireworks

In the dark sky

Red, purple, pink, blue, orange and yellow

Everyone staring at the sparkling sparks

Waiting for more

Over the moon fireworks go

Rockets whizzing

Kids cheering

Sparklers sparkling.  by Evan


These are just a few of the wonderful poems P3/4 wrote.  We’re going to put them up for display along with all the wonderful artwork.


Well done P3/4.

This week in P3/4

This week in our topic we investigated the people who live in the jungle and how we would survive in a jungle. We dramatized being dropped into a jungle by Bear Grylls and told to ‘survive’! We watched a clip of Bear in the Jungle and found out what he takes and how he copes in these types of situations. We wrote about finding a new plant in the jungle, whilst we were ‘surviving’ and we watched The Jungle Book DVD. We presented and shared our homework projects and enjoyed listening and looking at what others had made.

This week the children reflected on their learned and said:

Chloe – I learned about what we needed to take to the jungle to survive.

Faith – We recalled what we knew about time (half past, quarter to and quarter past).

Zoe – I enjoyed the project.

Evan – We watched Bear Grylls to find out about surviving in a jungle.

Lauchlin – I enjoyed when we shared our projects and celebrated them.

Zak – We learned to make poisonous darts!

Aiste – We learned how to survive in a jungle.

Ruby – We learned that some people in the jungle build their homes up trees and others build huts nearer the ground.

Well done P3/4!

This week in P3/4

This week in our topic we used art materials to create a jungle collage; we used lots of different materials to create texture and interest. Using ‘The Jungle Book’ and ‘Tarzan’ stories for inspiration we wrote imaginative stories about being brought up in a jungle, using describing words to make our stories interesting and exciting. In music the children are continuing to learn some of the music from the Jungle Book, including ‘I want to be like you’.

This is what the children said about their week …

Ellie “I enjoyed making the collage in our art lesson.”

Zoe “I liked learning the monkey music.”

Chloe “I like the jungle collage.”

Evan “I learned about collage.”

Lauchlin “I learned that there is more than just half past, quarter past and quarter to.”

Ruby “I learned about half past, quarter past and quarter to.”

Alix “I learned about time.”