All posts by Ms Gavin

P3/4 this week

This week in topic we continued to learn about how the people lived in Ancient Egypt. We found out that they had ovens, fridges and even toilets! Although not as we know them today. We also learned that Ancient Egypt got so big and wealthy that when they conquered lands they would take all the wealth from that country and bring it back to Egypt. This included gold, jewels and people! The people would become part of Egyptian society, soldiers, scribes or slaves. We also continued to practise our Assembly and get the costumes ready!

The children are looking forward to performing this on Friday 18th at 9:30.

In maths we started to work on 3D shape, revised the names of some shapes and started to look at the properties, including faces, corners and edges.

The children said this week …
Ellie – we learned that the Ancient Egyptians had ovens and fridges.

Niamh – we learned that there were toilets in Ancient Egypt.

Aiste – we learned about dividing by 7.

Fern – P3 learned about dividing by 2.

Liam – we learned about 3D shape.

Lauchlin – we learned that 3D shape is a shape that has a length, width and height.

Robbie and Aiste – 3D shape have corners, edges and faces.

Ross – I enjoyed making costumes for the Assembly.

Jamie – I thought the clip of Life in Ancient Egypt was really interesting. So interesting that I went hope and watched it!

Well done P3/4.

P3/4 this week

This week in topic were learning about how the people lived in Ancient Egypt. We were also practicing our Assembly. We’ve learned the songs and we are working on our drama. We still have a few things left to learn, but we are going to try to fit it all in.

In writing we finished off our Magic Carpet story and we’re going to share these in class. We learned a lot about putting describing words into our sentences and we’re going to use this more and more.

We celebrated the children who made their First Reconciliation on Tuesday evening by having a part in class on Wednesday. Well done to Fern, Brooke, Tapiwa, Cezary, Julian, Demi-Lee, Faith, Zoe and Ruby.

Well done P3/4.

Primary 3/4

This week we started to present the information we gathered about the Pharaohs. We didn’t get through everyone, but we will and then display the information in our class museum. We also learned about the Ancient Egyptian writing of hieroglyphics. Then we used these to write out our own names in a cartouche, the same as the Pharaohs. As our assembly is now only weeks away, we have started to listen to the songs we will be singing and soon we will be learning our lines and parts for the play!

The children liked …

Evan, Robbie, – Starting learning dividing by 6.
Liam, Lauchlin, Zak, Faith – painting the canopic jars.
Aiste – the Egyptian writing.

Primary 3/4

This week we started to look at some of the Pharaohs that ruled Ancient Egypt and we found some interesting facts in books and on the computer. We found that because the Pharaohs thought they were gods they had to keep their blood line pure, so they married into their own families, which caused problems, disease and deformities. We will be looking at this a bit closer next week, as well as mummification. Some of the children carried out an experiment on decay, which they will complete next week and report back to class. We also create some signs for our museum and we will be adding to these over the next few weeks.

In writing we continued our story of the magic carpet and wrote about how we got the carpet back to Ancient Egypt. We tried to ensure we were writing in sentence, putting in wow and interesting words to describe the journey.

The children said this week …
Alix – I liked gathering information about the Gods and Pharaohs.
Evan – I learned about Compass Points.
Faith, Jamie, Ruby, Demi-Lee and Chloe – liked the Scottish Dancing.
Robbie – I was learning to count up to 31 in French.
Lauchlin – This week I learned that one of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs tried to change all the Gods into one God.

Well done P3/4


In our topic this week we create some fact files to record information about the Ancient Egyptians. We took notes about where the Egyptians lived and the geography of Egypt. We looked closer at the timeline of the Ancient Egyptians and learned that there were three main periods, the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms. We also learned that the Egyptians had over 2000 Gods, which they worshiped and made offerings to keep them happy. The Ancient Egyptians were trying to figure out their world just like we are and they felt the Gods were the ones that kept bringing the sun, stars and life to the world. We also looked for information about the Gods, to help us create signs and information for our museum.

In writing we had a big surprise! An Ancient Egyptian magic carpet suddenly appeared in our classroom. Therefore, we decided to use this to write an imaginative adventure story. This week we wrote the beginning of the story, setting the scene and introducing the characters. Next week we will continue the story, by describing how we flew the carpet back to Ancient Egypt and the start of our adventure!

Congratulations to Niamh who received first prize and Aiste who received third prize, in the Burns Poetry Competition for their recital of Mrs Nae Offence. Also well done to all the children in P3/4 as you all did so well with the poetry.

This week in P3/4

This week we continued to work on our topic we learned that the Egyptians lived near lakes and the Nile because of the environment. We also learned that they relied on the wet season, each year, for new life for their crops. 5000 years ago they developed a calendar so they could track when the rains were going to come. The children now want to learn more about Ancient Egyptian calendars and try to make them. The children also finished painting the Egyptian Gods for display and they look fantastic. We hope to share all this learning with you at our Assembly on Friday 18th March.

Also this week the children have been learning the Scottish poem; Mrs Nae Offense by Gregor Steele. They all did very well and it was a very difficult decision, but in the end Aiste and Niamh were the two chosen to go through to the next round.

Well done P3/4.

Please note that in RE we are now starting prepare the children for their sacraments.
Children in P3: First Reconciliation is schedule for Tuesday 1st March at 7:30pm.
Children in P4 undertaking their sacraments – Confirmation Friday 22nd April 7pm and First Holy Communion Saturday 28th May 10am.

This week in P3/4

In our topic this week we started to learn what happened to the Celts. We learned that the Romans came to the UK and took over most of England and Wales. We learned about Boudicca (Boadicea) and how she fought the Romans but lost. We continued with our weaving, but this was very hard. We painted our torcs and they look wonderful.

This week the children enjoyed ….
Robbie, Aiste and Liam – I liked the pantomime.
Ellie, Pheonix and Julian – I really enjoyed the fun day.
Alix – I liked painting the torcs.
Ross, Tapiwa and Jamie – I liked the weaving but it was really hard.
Lauchlin and Chloe – I enjoyed sharing our projects in class.


In maths P3 continued to develop their addition skills through adding and understand how to carry over into the next column of tens and units. P4 continued learning the 6 times table. We also continued our learning about symmetry and completed colourful symmetrical pictures for display.



Well done P3/4.


P3/4 this week

In our topic this week we learned what the Celts wore back in the Iron Age. We learned about how these clothes evolved into the kilts we know today. We also learned that they liked to wear jewellery and we started to make Torcs. We watched a clip about weaving and decided that we are going to try this out next week.

In our writing this week we learned about persuasive writing, through writing our letters to Santa and persuading him that we really should have the presents we want, or at least what we deserve! We also remembered to write out an envelope with the correct address and draw a stamp on it to make sure it gets to Santa.


Ellie, Aiste, Zoe and Faith – I liked making my Torc.

Lauchlin and Robbie – I started to learn the 6 times table.

Ruby, Phoenix, Ross and Demi-Lee  – I liked writing my letter to Santa.

Chloe – I liked making my tartan design.

Fern, Maddie, Robbie – We really enjoyed watching the P1/P2 Nativity.

We all really enjoyed watching the P1 / P2  Nativity.  Well done P1 and P2.




P3/4 this week

This week in our topic we received another archaeology kit from Archaeology Scotland. This time it had a skeleton inside, just plastic but still life size! We used this to understand more about archaeology and the information they can get from a skeleton. We made our own skeleton pictures using cotton wool and cotton buds. We also learned more about the Celts and their religion. That the Celts had religious men called Druids, who talked to their gods on behalf the people. They had many gods and worshiped them by sacrificing, feasting and celebrating. We also learned that some of the festivals are still seen today, such as Halloween.





Well done P3/4

Please note: P4 children who will be taking sacraments will have an enrolment mass on Sunday 29.11.15 at 10:45am at the church.

P3/4 this week

This week in our topic we completed our Iron Age shields for display. We received an archaeology investigation kit from Archaeology Scotland and looked at real artefacts. We tried to figure out what they were or what they were used for, then all was revealed at the end. There were whorls used in making wool into yarn and parts of clay pots. There were also armlets and glass beads that they wore as jewellery to show their status. We also found out about Iron Age houses, including Roundhouses, Crannogs, Hill Forts and Brochs.

In our writing we continued to learn about acrostic poetry and wrote poems about winter, then developed our cutting and folding skills by making snowflakes.

Aiste and Ellie – I enjoyed making snowflakes.

Lauchlin, Liam and Zak – I enjoyed making my Celtic shield.

Jamie – I enjoyed learning about the Celts.

Demi-Lee and Ruby – I enjoyed learning about symmetry.

Ross, Faith, Tapiwa and Robbie – I liked investigating the artifacts.




Well done Primary 3/4.

Just a reminder:

Sacraments: Enrolment mass for the children in P3 who will be taking the sacrament of Reconciliation this Sunday (22.11.15), 10.45 at the Church. Enrolment mass for the children in P4 who will be taking sacraments will be next Sunday (29.11.15) again 1o.45 at the Church.