All posts by Ms Gavin

P3/4 Thursday……..

Today we had Judo in the Hall.  We also continued to learn about Growth Mindsets and healthy eating.  At the end of the day we watched a clip of how to tie laces!  Tomorrow we are going to try to tie our laces ourselves and for those of us who know how to tie them, we have a challenge to tie them in 1 second.


Logan and Michal – I enjoyed the Judo.

Marcus – I liked the music with Mrs Lang.

Maddie – The police gave an interesting talk about fireworks.

Lucas and Demi-Lee – I liked colouring the Inside Out characters for display.

Kyran – The Judo was ballistic!

Katie – I had good fun doing the Growth Mindsets.

Here are the links to the clips on tying laces …

P3/4 Tuesday

Its been another busy day!


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We all enjoyed Zumba.

Daisy – This was the best day!

Tjay – I liked the music in Zumba.

Katie and Demi-Lee – I had good fun at Smoothie Tasting.

Evie – I liked Zumba because it was just like Hip-hop.

Zuzanna – Orienteering was great fun.

Olivia – I liked orienteering and learning about healthy eating.

Alix – I like orienteering because it was just like an Easter egg hunt (without the eggs)!

Well done P3/4!


P3/4 Monday

Monday and it’s the first day of Health Week!

This morning we went outside and practiced golf.  We started to learn about Growth Mindsets! Then in the afternoon we were in the hall for Kurling.


Brooke and Daisy – I enjoyed Kurling.

Faith, Julia and Zuzanna – I enjoyed golf.

Katie – I had good fun today.

Alix and Sophie – I enjoyed putting.

Olivia –  I enjoyed learning about Growth mindsets.

Demi-Lee – I enjoyed learning that Growth mindsets is about keeping on trying.

We also have a Health Week Home Activity card, which your child will have in their bag.  Children are to try and complete a healthy activity (star jumps, going for a walk, skipping, etc) write it on the sheet and bring it in the next day.

Well done P3/4, what a good day!


A busy week in P3/4!

This week P3/4 made a book shop for money week.  We made signs and created our own bank notes, coins and posters.  We looked at prices for books we wanted to buy for the book shop too!  The shop will stay with us for a while to enable us to play and learn when we return from our October break.

We also went to Tesco! It was fabulous, we learned so much and enjoyed the whole experience.  Thank you Tesco.

On Friday, for our topic …


Well done P3/4.

P3/4 this week

This week in P3/4 learned …

What plants need to grow. – Chloe

We revised all the different sounds for a, e, i, o, u. – Alix

How to write neater. – Lucas

How to make a bottle biome. – Sophie

This week we also started to investigate how plants get air. – Kyran

I enjoyed making biome bottles. – Faith

I enjoyed looking at different biomes. – Ellsie



Primary 3/4

This week the children have continued with their new topic; At the Movies.  We watched a few clips and discussed how we knew these were old or new films, it was really difficult to figure out when some of the animated films were made as they seemed to have the same effects and look!  However, we knew that the black and white/silent films were really old.

In writing we started to write out a movie proposal, with an idea for a short film.  We have been put into small groups and each group is going to decide which short film we are going to take further.  Next week we will decide which films we will start to develop into a film script.

Congratulations to all the Primary 4 children who undertook their Confirmation on Friday evening, you all did extremely well.  Thank you to all the parents and sponsors who supported the children and thank you also to the children in the Choir, your singing was wonderful.

Well done!