All posts by Mrs Conaghan

Money week in the upper school…..

Saw P4/5 and P5/6 comparing retail prices from various supermarkets and using a budget. Mrs C’s and Mrs McAlpine’s maths sets also visited the Post office to explore what financial services it provides for the local community and finally we introduced a new board game called Money Minefield to our maths set using a digital disc to work out benefits a monthly income and how much we could save on our way around the board ! Macauley and Adrian managed their budgets the best !

Our AAL Team Tshirts

This week our team are going to be running a stall aimed at the new P1 parents during Parents Night.

The team wanted to let new and existing parents play with some of our devices and find out how AAL can enhance their child’s learning with the use of technology here in Our Lady Of Lourdes….