All posts by Mrs Conaghan

Castle Trip was brilliant today!


The whole day was amazing the pupils in P4/5 were very well behaved and were very enthusiastic learning about cannons and weapons and exploring the Great Hall. Everyone loved hearing the one o’clock gun and seeing the ball drop on Nelson’s Column to show ships in the River Forth the time too.

We headed down the Royal Mile in and out of closes and courts towards Greyfriars Kirk and the famous statue of Bobby.

What’s a job worth?


Continuing with our money targets this week Mrs C’s maths set are considering various occupations and how skills pay the bills as Cody told us !

We discovered that the prime minister’s salary is less than a footballer ! Zara wants to be a vet when she grows up and Bart wants to design computer games . Kalvyn wants to be a footballer so he can budget his large salary to pay for all his family’s needs!