All posts by Mrs Conaghan

Firework Safety Visit from Green Watch


P4/5 has an amazing morning exploring the fire truck and using it’s hoses and sounding it’s siren!!!

Neil and Gordy told us all about the safety equipment firefighters have to protect themselves and how important it is to have a smoke alarm in our house .The pupils had prepared questions to ask and also visited other classes to share their safety messages. Have a safe bonfire weekend everyone!

Calling all Parents and Friends……..

The GLOW pupil voice group want to encourage more parents and friends to comment on pupil learning this year and are going to produce a help booklet for everyone to show people how to comment on our school blog!

The pupil voice group would like to set a challenge for parents this term to log on here and blog about their hobbies…….we wonder who will be first?



                                          Glow Group 2015