All posts by Mrs Conaghan

Cook School for P4/5 was great today…


We were enjoying naming ,peeling and chopping lots of healthy vegetables to pop into our soup pot today. Reece said he felt like a chef and Lucas took a photo on his device of the ingredients so he can try making this at home with an adult . David says his gran is great at making homemade soup and she makes it with ham.The pupils are going home to think of recipes they would like to try in cook school this term.

Welcome Back to Term 4!

It has been a busy morning already in P4/5 we had a Holiday check in and leaders organised their group news and chose a reporter to share ideas with the class. Everyone sounds as if they have been very active outside enjoying the better weather and lighter nights-well done! No after school clubs this week all starting in Week 2 of the term…..

Earth Hour Muffins on sale this week……..



As part of our Easter Enterprise Activities P4/5 will be selling Earth Hour Muffins to raise money for SCIAF this week at break times. Just bring along 50p and a yummy muffin is all yours!


16/3/16 Muffin Update! So proud of our stall pupils they raised £35:52 this week for SCIAF. Thanks so much to all the pupils and staff who munched their way through the muffins and donated money -you are brilliant!