All posts by Mrs Conaghan

Filled with the Spirit Class Party

The pupils from P3/4 and P4/5 celebrated with our Confirmation Children today . Thanks to DJ Kalvyn and DJ Evan for sorting out the music for dancing and games. Our thanks to our popcorn squad for the delicious treats  and to Cerys and Katie for helping with the dishes. Also great to see Michael and Sean volunteering to help with the juice and refreshments for everyone! What a team well done everyone!


Mill Centre Library trip for P4/5

pic collage term 4 week 2 librar visit

The pupils were extremely well behaved this afternoon as P4/5 counted our steps over to the library. We explored the services the library provides for our community and had a lesson from Caroline the librarian as how to use the self checkout machine when borrowing books. The children who are not members took home cards for parents and guardians to fill in so they can become members and we promised to pop back and visit again in May…