All posts by Miss McIntosh

Tasks for p5 Monday 11 May 2020

All of the work for the day can be found on the instructions channel of the p5 team.

Maths – Adding decimals.   decimals_adding (2)

Reading – Read the chapter and answer the questions using the answer templates provided to help you answer in full sentences.  There are 2 files needed for this. One contains the extract for you to read and the other contains the questions. Aliens Invaded My Talent Show questions Extract-Aliens-Invaded-My-Talent-Show

p5 Tasks 06 May 2020

– Read a chapter of a fiction book you enjoy and answer the following questions (you will also find this in assignments). We are learning to think about our opinions on a text we have read and answer questions in full sentences.

  1. What is the title of your book?
  2. Who is the author?
  3. What genre is the book?
  4. What are the main themes of the book?
  5. What do you like about this book/chapter?
  6. What could the author have done to make the story more interesting or funny?
  7. What is the book/chapter about? Write a summary that could be used on the back of the book as a blurb.


Maths – Equivalent fractions.  These are just like we did last week but I will give a reminder at the morning meeting. equivalent_fractions chain (2)

RE – With Ms Gavin at 2 o’clock

PE – Look at Miss McAlpine’s PE activities and choose one to do.  They are on the blog already but here they are again: Bingo Physical Activity (1)

Catch and Clap

Figure of 8 Challenge

Session 1 Basketball PDF.197453230

p5 Tasks Tuesday 28 April 2020

Tuesday 28 April 2020


Maths Sumdog challenges.  Lots of coins up for grabs!


  • Listening activity in assignments.   Link to questions:
  • Spelling – use your favourite spelling activity to practice your spelling words eg. rainbow writing, pyramid spelling, hidden words, silly sentences

French – With Mrs Doolan at 1045

RE – With Miss Gavin at 2 o’clock this afternoon (follow up art activity!)

PE – PE with Joe Wicks the body coach

p5 Tasks Monday 27 April 2020


  • Mixed and improper fractions worksheet. This is something we need to practice to increase our confidence.  It is the same sheet as we did last week but with different questions. mixed and improper fractions (2)
  • At 1200 the Royal Bank of Scotland is doing an online lesson on how to budget your money.  This is a skill everyone should learn and I think it will be very valuable.  Access it here on their youtube channel:  If you have little brothers and sisters there is a lesson for younger children at half past 11 about coins and notes.

Literacy –

-y -er/-est Wa
Bendy Braver Wallet
Crispy Colder Wad
Dusty Longer Wander
Empty Older Wash
Fussy Richer Wasp
Grumpy Riper Swab
Messy Bravest Swallow
Misty Coldest Swamp
Nasty Longest Swan
Smelly Oldest Swat


RE – Miss McAlpine will do this with you at 2 o’clock. Remember to joing the meeting.

PE – You can do PE with Joe here: or you can spend 30-45 minutes getting a different kind of physical exercise (make sure you stay safe and your adults know what you will be doing).  I know lots of you like to go outside and ride your bikes and jump on trampolines etc.

p5 Tasks Thursday 23 April 2020

Thursday 23 April 2020


Writing – It’s spring time now.  There are lambs in the fields, baby birds are tweeting, flowers are blooming and the leaves are returning to the trees (not to mention, it’s getting a bit warmer!).  In Japan, people have big festivals to celebrate the blooming of the cherry trees in the spring (they call cherry blossom ‘sakura’).  Everyone flocks to parks and outdoor areas to sit under the blossom with friends.  Cherry blossom and spring are, as you can see, very important to Japanese culture.  The Japanese also have a rich and very old culture of writing poetry.  One kind of poem is a Haiku poem.  This poem doesn’t have to rhyme but it does need to have a certain number of syllables.

It has 17 syllables altogether.

5 in the first line

7 in the second line

5 in the third line


Research some haiku poems online to get a feel for them.  These poems are usually about the way things look, feel and sound and how the writer feels.  Here is one I wrote:

Flowers bloom brightly

The blue sky is clear and warm

I watch through windows

I wrote this when I was thinking about how lucky we are to have nice weather over Easter holidays and how nice the flowers in my garden are looking, but I was also thinking that I wished I could go outside to country parks and other places to enjoy the spring but instead I am stuck inside.  I hope you can see that what makes Haiku poems special is that even though they are very short, they convey a message which is important to the writer.

Write a few of these Haikus, read them to your family, ask for feedback, and then post your favourite one on the General channel (this is the only time you can post there!) so that we can all share our work.

Maths – mixed and improper fractions.  This is quite simple when you know what to do – I will explain at the morning meeting.  Do them in your maths jotter as usual. Mixed and improper fractions (1)

You may find this video useful for understanding improper fractions:

Music – To be confirmed by Mrs Lang (meeting on teams at 2pm)

RE – Road to Emmaus crossword.  If you can’t print this then just write down the clue numbers on a piece of paper/ jotter and instead of writing the clue, write the answer.

p5 Tasks for Wednesday 22 April 2020


  • Spelling – diacritical marking (all 10 spelling words)
  • Grammar – were, where and we’re Where were and we are homophones excercise
  • Reading – read a book on Epic for half an hour. I now can log in and see who has read which books and for how long.  If you can’t access epic you can read a real book.

Maths – Equivalent fractions worksheet.  Copy into your jotter and fill in the missing number. Miss McIntosh will explain this in the morning meeting.  We can have an additional meeting if people are still stuck.  equivalent_fraction_problems (1)

Health and wellbeing

Watch the presentation.  What does “habit” mean? Write down 3 of your good habits and 2 habits that you would like to change. If you can, do this in assignments so that I know you understand what ‘habit’ means.

Art – Make a zentangle.  This is a very relaxing thing to do and it helps some people to be mindful.  The idea is to make the patterns as small and detailed as possible.  Start by drawing a simple line drawing.  It could be a sunset, an animal, waves, a landscape – anything you can imagine! Then fill up the different areas of your picture with tiny patterns.  Once you have filled them all you can colour in the different areas.  I will post pictures and videos on the team to give you some ideas for zentangles that have been made by other people.

p5 Tasks Tuesday 21/04/2020

Tasks for Tuesday 21 April 2020


  • Write sentences including at least 6 of your spelling words. Try to use the trickiest words and if you don’t know what they mean then look it up using a dictionary or the internet.
  • Write a story about what you did on your Easter holidays. This is technically a recount piece of writing so you should have an orientation, time words and explain how you felt.  You can also draw a picture to illustrate you story. I am learning to recount recent personal events including an orientation, sequence of events and personal comment.

Maths – Sumdog.  Before the holidays Mrs McAlpine set some challenges on sumdog.  Spend some time (30-40 minutes) on sumdog and smash that challenge!

Physical EducationJoe Wickes, Mrs McAlpine’s blog activities or just go outside and exercise or meditate in the lovely weather – let me know what you get up to! In school we usually spend 45 minutes on our PE.

French – Log on to

The username is ololps

The password is frsp20

RE – Fill in the blanks activity.  It will take a lot less time if you edit an online copy instead of copying the whole thing into your jotter!  You will need a bible.  You can use a real bible or use bible gateway here:

The Road to Emmaus – fill in blanks

p5 Tasks Monday 20 April

Today’s Tasks: Monday 20 April 2020

If you feel that this is not enough there is more work in the “extra work” folder in Files.

You choose how and when to do your tasks.  Tasks can be done either in the assignments tab, class notebook, in a document which you email to me or you can just do it in a jotter and either send me a picture or ask someone at home to look at it and give you some feedback.  You can do your work anytime that suits you, and in any order you like.  However, if you need my help I will only be available during school hours.

Spelling – Look, cover, Write, Check

-nt Oi/oy Wh
Ant Boil Whale
Pant Coil What
Plant Coin Wheat
Dent Foil Whether
Rent Join Which
Lent Point Whine
Spent Boy Whisker
Grunt Coy White
Runt Joy Whole
Invent toy Whose



MathsSubtraction worksheet.  I am learning to use the subtraction strategies I have learned to work out the answers to problems.  You can complete this in your jotter or print the worksheet. See Assignments section.  After you have finished you can mark your work using the answer sheet. Subtraction 20-04-20

Physical Education – You should spend around 45 minutes on your health and wellbeing.  You can do Joe Wickes, play in your garden or have a look at the activities Mrs McAlpine has put on the blog.

TopicDesign your own medieval castle.  I am learning to use our knowledge of medieval castles to design my own castle.  Imagine that you are a King or Queen in the Middle Ages and are planning to build a new castle to live in.  Draw and label your castle.  Remember that you are living in the middle ages so you cannot include modern things you might want in a dream home like swimming pools and televisions!  Think about all the research you have done so far (you might want to do some more!) about what castles are for, what castles are made out of and the common features such as moats, battlements, walls etc.

P5 tasks Thursday 02/04/20

Today’s Tasks

If you feel that this is not enough there is more work in the “extra work” folder in Files.

You choose how and when to do your tasks.  Tasks can be done either in the assignments tab, class notebook, in a document which you email to me or you can just do it in a jotter and either send me a picture or ask someone at home to look at it and give you some feedback. You can do your work anytime that suits you, and in any order you like.  However, if you need my help I will only be available during school hours.

Writing – Write a narrative story about a ladybird.  We will be looking at a Julia Donaldson book for inspiration.  Remember that a narrative must have a complication and a resolution as well as the orientation and personal comment that we are used to in our recount writing.  Remember to write a plan first!

Maths – Fractions of a quantity (Textbook pages in your jotter) book 2a pg104 fractions of a quantity

Music (from Mrs Lang) – Hello everyone!

Hope you are all having a good day.

I’d like you to watch a clip by the RSNO. (They are the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.) They have filmed this in Glasgow in their kitchen. Challenge 1

Next, ask your grown up if you can borrow a plastic tub and a spoon please.

You will now have your own drum.

Can you join in and copy each rhythm?

You might want to play the clip a few times. Have fun!

I’d like you to do some singing as well.  Start the day with exercise.

Join in with group 1 when the song splits.  A little bit of kindness.


Your third song is any one that YOU would like to choose.  Please sing it to someone in your home.

p5 Tasks for Wednesday

Wednesday 01/04/2020

If you feel that this is not enough there is more work in the “extra work” folder in Team Files.

You choose how and when to do your tasks.  Tasks can be done either in the assignments tab, class notebook, in a document which you email to me or you can just do it in a jotter and either send me a picture or ask someone at home to look at it and give you some feedback.  You can do your work anytime that suits you, and in any order you like.  However, if you need my help I will only be available during school hours.


Spelling – diacritical marking using all 10 of your spelling words (you could use a coloured pencil/pen for the marks)

Grammar – Collective Nouns pg18-19 Tudor and Stuart

Maths – Find a fraction of a number book 2a pg102 find a fraction of…

Topic – Make a model of a medieval siege weapon.  It could be a siege tower, a trebuchet, a catapult or any other weapon you learned about in your research on Monday.  If you didn’t do any research on Monday then I suggest you do some before you start.  You may wish to look at your notes from Monday to remind you of what you learned.  We will take 2 afternoons to work on these so don’t rush.  You can make a simple catapult out of a piece of card and a pencil (!) but you can use whatever materials you have around the house: lego, cereal boxes, lollipop sticks, clean yogurt pots, paper, kitchen paper rolls etc.

Here are some website links to give you some ideas to get started: