All posts by Miss Glencorse

A few dates for your diary

There are a few important dates coming up next week. Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day is the 11th February which is Saturday. As we are unable to celebrate as a school this week, we will be attending Mass at 9:30am on Wednesday 15th February to celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes. As always, everyone is invited to join us. Thursday 16th February is the day that school photographs, both individual and family groups will be taken by Tempest and to conclude the week, Friday 17th February is a dress down and fun day to celebrate our feast day. We hope you find these dates for your diary useful.


Internet Safety Day in P6/7

We spent a lot of time talking about the dangers we might face using the internet. We discussed X Box Live, Facebook and Cyber Bullying. With the help of the information we gained from the ThinkUKnow website, we produced posters to make people aware of the dangers of using the internet and how we can stay safe. These are our top 5 tips:

  1. Do not give anyone personal details like your password or where you live.
  2. Don’t meet up with people you don’t know.
  3. If anything horrible does happen, tell a trusted adult straight away.
  4. Make sure all your settings are private.
  5. Only talk and reply to people you know and trust.


Snapshot of Our Learning This Week

Primary 1/2

P1/2 have been working really hard on adding things in Maths this week. They have also been learning about the planet of Mars and all the stars.

Primary 2/3

In P2/3, there has been lots of learning about different planets and looking at photos and talking about about the moon. It has been so interesting.

Primary 3/4

P3/4 have been working really hard on 3 times table tower sums and doing some floating and sinking experiments with models they made themselves.

Primary 4/5

P4/5 have been learning to use chop sticks to celebrate Chinese New Year. They have also been looking at the construction of The Titanic and making their own model ships.

Primary 5/6

P5/6 have been making use of the netbooks during Maths to help them with their fraction work. In PE, they have been learning about and trying out different types of circuits to help keep them fit. It was great fun!

Primary 6/7

This week P6/7 discussed some philosophical questions and shared their opinions with the rest of the class. Some opinions were very interesting! In Maths, lots of collaborative learning and teamwork took place as the children tried to solve some problem solving questions. Lots of good discussion took place. Well done!

Lots of interesting learning during a busy week. Well done everyone!!


Snapshot of our learning this week

Primary 1/2

P1/2 have been learning about adding in Numeracy and all about space, rockets and the moon for their topic.

Primary 2/3

P2/3 have been working really hard on both time and developing their growth mindsets.

Primary 3/4

P3 learned and practiced their 3 times table and P4 learned and practiced their 4 times table in Numeracy, using symbols and all their senses.

Primary 4/5

P4/5 have learned some street dancing this week. They also found out about the manager of The Titanic and highlighted key words about him.

Primary 5/6

P5/6 have been learning about fractions in Numeracy and practicing proof reading and redrafting in Literacy.

Primary 6/7

P6/7 had visitors this week who provided lots of information about Shale Mining in West Lothian and The Burngrange Mining Disaster. During their Harry Potter topic, P6/7 worked hard to create imaginative pieces of writing.



Mr Johnstone and Mr Whelan visit P6/7

Thank you to Mr Johnstone and Mr Whelan who visited us yesterday and gave us some interesting information and amazing facts about Shale mining and what it was like to be a miner. It was really interesting to hear what it was like to work in those conditions. We’re glad we don’t have to go mining today but we’re proud to hear about our heritage in this area. They also gave some information about the Burngrange Disaster. It was a really great afternoon.

Snapshot of This Week’s Learning


Primary 1/2

In Maths, the children have been counting on in twos and learning the two times table. They have also been making shapes and working hard on their Space topic.

Primary 2/3

P2/3 have been learning all about how rockets take off and land. They have also been looking at and talking about the well being wheel.

Primary 3/4

The children have been learning about The Titanic and working very hard practising their times tables.

Primary 4/5

P4/5 have been working hard on number talks and problem solving in Maths this week. They have also been looking at and discussing the rooms on The Titanic.

Primary 5/6

P5/6 have had a tobacco awareness workshop this week which talked about second hand smoking. They learned in stays in houses for 5 hours!. The have also been working hard creating descriptive writing based on Harry Potter.

Primary 6/7

This week P6/7 have been deciding and talking about what they need to work on and creating their own targets. While working on profiles, they have also really enjoyed talking about the 50 things to do before you leave Primary School. During topic work for Harry Potter, everyone in class designed, created and wrote about a wizard or witch!

Another busy and successful week at Our Lady of Lourdes!