All posts by Miss Glencorse

Our Lady of Lourdes Football Team

On Monday, we played St Anthony’s, Armadale in a football match at Blackburn 3G park. It was an exciting game and our class provided plenty of support for the team with many home made banners on display!

The match finished 1 -1, with Abbie Russell scoring our only goal, although we had lots of other chances to score. Our coach Mr Glencorse was very pleased with how we played and we still remain unbeaten!

Here are some photos from the day. How amazing did our new kit look? Thanks to St Anthony’s for taking part. We look forward to the return match in Armadale!

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After School Clubs

Just to remind everyone that after school clubs start next week (week beginning 18th April). TOPS club and Football club remain as normal. However, Ms Gavin’s reading club is for P1 ONLY this term. Only P1 pupils will attend this club this term. It will be slightly shorter, finishing at 4:10pm.

P6/7 Conference 2016

This morning we attended the annual CAB Conference at Murrayfield Primary School. Our focus was on vandalism and graffiti. We made a power point and a graffiti wall to show that graffiti doesn’t need to be a bad thing.

We really enjoyed working and socialising with the other schools in Blackburn and watching their presentations. We’re so proud of Blackburn and want it to be as best as it can be.

Well done to everyone who had a individual bit to read. We were very confident indiviuals and as always, behaviour was superb and our teachers were so proud.


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P7 and Software Training Scotland

For the last ten weeks, we have had the opportunity to work with Software Scotland to use an app called Garage Band to create covers of original songs. We worked in 5 groups and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We would like to thank Bob and Maria for helping us and hope the rest of the school and our parents enjoyed our performance.IMG_1893 IMG_1894 IMG_1895 IMG_1897 IMG_1908

P7 School Camp

Most of P7 went to school camp and enjoyed a fantastic week at Belmont last week. The behaviour was excellent and Miss Glencorse was very proud of everyone.

We climbed, crawled, jumped and partied our way through the week and here are some photographs as a little taster.

Well done to Renee and Shaun, who didn’t go to camp, but were a fantastic help to Mrs Brennan and the rest of the school while we were away.


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P7 Ceilidh

Yesterday, P7 attended the transition ceilidh at St Kent’s. It was brilliant fun and our behaviour was excellent. Miss Glencorse and Mrs Patterson were very proud of usIMG_1605 IMG_1607 IMG_1609 IMG_1610 IMG_1614 IMG_1616 IMG_1620.

Here are some photos of our afternoon.

On Monday afternoon, P7 had another fantastic input from Software Scotland and made some fantastic music. P6 attended the Tobacco input which they found very interesting.

The CAB Peer Educators are in school next Tuesday and we have written our song about graffiti for that. Today we had our auditions for our Burn’s Competition on Tuesday. Everybody did brilliantly and the two chosen to go through to Tuesday’s final were Rosie and Calvin. Well done guys!

Happy New Year

P6/7 and Miss Glencorse would like to wish everybody a happy new year. We all had a great Christmas holiday and we hope you did too. We have decided that our New Year Resolution is to smile at least once a day!!

This term our topic is World War II and we are really looking forward to seeing what life was like back then.

We are attending a ceilidh at St Kentigern’s to celebrate Burn’s Day on Jan 25th. All the other cluster schools will be there too.

This is just the beginning of a really busy term before Easter and we are looking forward to working hard!


P6/7 update

We have been saying prayers this week for the P7 pupil from St Mary’s Polbeth who died in West Calder this week. We have gone over staying safe on our roads. Our thoughts and prayers are with the St Mary’s community.

We are also remembering the people who have lost their lives in any conflicts to keep us safe. We are visiting the Cenotaph on Monday afternoon

We have been loving Rookie Rockstars and recorded our CD this morning. Lots of us feel it’s been the best week we have had at school for a long time!We are now looking forward to the concert next Tuesday.

We are looking forward to Mrs Paterson’s retiral celebrations next week, although we know it’s going to be very sad too.

We can’t wait to go and watch the ‘Sunshine on Leith’ production at St Kent’s on Tuesday.

What a busy week lies ahead!

Can we remind everyone to stay safe and remember the safety rules if people are attending firework displays and bonfires this weekend.

P6/7 Update

IMG_1417IMG_1397Just before the holidays, Katie Marie and Rosie attended a West Lothian P7 Conference. It was held at Howden Park Centre and there were lots of other children there. The idea was to talk about all the things that are happening in our school and both girls said we were one of the best schools there for all the things that we do. Rosie also said there was a good buffet afterwards!! Her favourites were the king prawns and the tuna sandwiches and both girls went up for seconds!!

On the Friday before the holiday, Rosie received her prize for winning the annual CAB poster competition. She’s keeping her prize to spend at Christmas. Well done Rosie.

On Thursday of this week, Miss Glencorse, Melissa and Euan are attending the JRSO conference and will share all the news when they come back.

In our class, we set a challenge over the holidays to make a guitar, as our topic has been Rock Band. Lots of amazing efforts came in and we will post a picture when we have them all but we have to take a picture of Jessica’s effort today because it’s a cake and it’s about to disappear!