All posts by Miss Glencorse

Changing Our Mindset

This term, P6/7 individually identified the targets that they, themselves, felt they needed to work on and develop. We have decided to keep all our targets in this folder which we can check on whenever we want. As soon as we feel we have achieved our target, we transfer it to our #followme profiles.

When we were setting our targets, we tried really hard to make sure we had a growth mindset. Our grow mindset wall display helps us to stay on track and keep on growing!

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Snapshot Of Our Learning This Week

This week has been so busy with so many things achieved. Well done everyone! Here are just a few things that have been learned in each class.

Primary 1/2

Cole can count up to 20 and Niamh has been writing about things that make her happy at school.

Primary 2/3

Aiden can name some planets after learning about Space and Gabriela has been learning about sharing.

Primary 3/4

Alex has learned how to do some yoga and Sophie has learned new exercises in PE.

Primary 4/5

Robbie enjoyed learning about function machines in Maths and Tapiwa improved on his Beat That score in Maths.

Primary 5/6

The whole class have been working really hard on direct speech in Literacy and decimals in Maths.

Primary 6/7

Primary 6/7 have been learning about the tragedy of The Burngrange Mining Disaster. It showed us how valuable life is. As a class, we have been reading and enjoying Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, ready for our new topic of Potter Mania!

Phew! What a lot of learning! What will next week bring?


P6/7 Learn about The Burngrange Disaster

Tomorrow (Sat 15th Jan) marks the 70th anniversary of the Burngrange Mining Disaster in West Calder, the worst accident in West Lothian’s mining history and we have been learning all about that this week. We learned that 15 men died in the explosion and that around half these men were from Seafield. We looked at where the pit was located and the Burngrange Memorial that stands in the square in West Calder. We then created newspaper front overs to report the terrible news. It’s been really interesting finding out about this tragic event. May the men who died rest in peace.

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A message from Poland in P6/7

Oliwier, in our class, is heading to his family in Poland on Sunday to spend Christmas with them. Here is a special message in Polish for Christmas:

Szczesliwych swiat wam wszystkim i szczesliwego nowego roku. Cieszcie sie swoimi swietami.

This means “Merry Christmas everybody and a happy New Year. Enjoy your holidays!poland-flag santa