All posts by Miss Glencorse

CAB Poster Competition

A huge well done to Rosie, in P7, who won her section of the CAB poster competition. She will receive her prize in the library at 1:00pm on Friday afternoon. Well done Rosie!!

P4/5 would like to congratulate Michael on winning his section of the CAB competition too. He was very surprised to hear the news !

Kurling Competition

Some of our P6/7 pupils worked with children from Connolly School Campus as part of their friendship week. We took part in a Kurling competition and also sent a cheerleading squad! Some of our class won but it was the taking part that counts and we thoroughly enjoyed working with our neighbours. We would like to thank them for the invite and the offer to keep the trophy in our school as a mark of friendship. Stay tuned and we will add some photos of our experience tomorrow.

P6/7 Update

Money week has arrived in P6/7! Miss Glencorse’s Maths group have been set the challenge of buying in bulk and selling to try and make a profit. Which idea will be the most successful? We will be sure to let you know! We are also using the resources provided by RBS about opening bank accounts and looking after our money. As a whole class, we are making posters to advertise The Credit Union.

In Social Studies, we have created original songs in our bands and used the Video Star app to make real music videos. We are trying to find a way of getting these videos onto the blog to show you how professional we look. We are really looking forward to the input from Rookie Rockstars so we can release our inner Rock Gods!!

As this is October, we are working very hard learning about and praying The Rosary. Futsal starts this week. It is a form of football created in Brazil and will help develop our PE skills and teamwork skills

2 girls in our class will represent us at the P7 Conference on Friday and we look forward to all the information they bring back to us.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

P6/7 are delighted to announce that we raised £730 at this morning’s coffee morning for Macmillan. We would like to thank everybody who came along and helped to make a fantastic morning and everyone who made anything for the cake sale. It’s such a fantastic cause and we are proud we managed to raise so much. We feel like responsible citizens today!

New House Captains

Our new house captains were chosen a few weeks ago. They are as follows:

St Kentigern’s – Melissa Pender & Jessica Armstrong

St Margaret’s – Annie Reynolds & Abbie Russell

St Columba’s – Abigail Mitchell & Katie-Marie Stevenson

St Andrew’s –  Renee McNeil & Rosie McGowan

We wish the girls good luck in their new posts. Look out for their photos coming soon.


P6/7 are hosting a coffee morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Research on Friday 25th Sept from 10:00am – 11:30am in the school assembly hall. This charity is a huge help to anyone suffering from cancer and we hope that you will join us on the day to support them. Feel free to bake and buy as many cakes as you want!!! Spend! Spend! Spend!

Back to School!!

P6/7 have had a fun and exciting start to the year. Our topic this term is Rock Band. We have made our own bands, designed our own characters and written profiles on them. There has been a lot of art work involved because we have designed our own band logos and amps. Third level maths has been challenging but we have been enjoying it. Our buddies are excitable and lively. It was tough at the start but now we really feel like we are getting to know them. We are really looking forward to the MacMillian Coffee morning on Friday 25th Sept. Please come along.

Attention all girls!!!

I am looking to see if we would have any interest in starting a girls only football team, to play other schools. It won’t be till after Easter holidays so don’t panic but if you are interested, please come and see me and I will take your name. We’ll make arrangements after the holidays


Miss Glencorse

P6/7’s week

This week we had a visit from a lady representing the SSPCA. She told us about cruelty towards animals and the different ways we can keep them safe. If you ever see an animal in danger, please call their help line.

I enjoyed looking at the different tools that are used.


We saw films highlighting cruelty towards animals and we had to decide how to save them.


We are well into our new space topic and had a very interesting discussion about why we didn’t fall off the Earth and if we were able to stand on a cloud!

Over the next few weeks we will be writing to NASA and learning about Neil Armstrong.

We went to Church to mark the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday. We are collecting spare change in our wee box in the classroom.

Tomorrow, the P7’s are visiting St Kent’s for the Numeracy day. We must wear shirt and tie.

Just a reminder that the P7 camp meeting is next Monday, 17th, at 6pm.