All posts by Mrs McAlpine

Primary Badminton Tournament

Wishing all of our ‘sixteen’ competitors the very best of luck in this year’s tournament on Sunday.  You have all worked so hard on improving your game and being truly ready for this so we know you will do yourself and everyone else proud.

This is the strongest group yet going forward from our school.  Enjoy this experience and have FUN everyone 🏸

Internet Safety with Mrs McAlpine


I’ve been lucky enough to work with two classes this week on Internet Safety.  Primary 1/2 loved Lee and Kim’s Adventure with a very important message about keeping safe and we even made puppets which will be used for further work next week.  P4/5 worked with me on ‘Smart Thinking’ when we are using our devices and completed an activity which involved making the correct decisions.  We all learned ALOT 👍🏻