
In our topic this week we create some fact files to record information about the Ancient Egyptians. We took notes about where the Egyptians lived and the geography of Egypt. We looked closer at the timeline of the Ancient Egyptians and learned that there were three main periods, the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms. We also learned that the Egyptians had over 2000 Gods, which they worshiped and made offerings to keep them happy. The Ancient Egyptians were trying to figure out their world just like we are and they felt the Gods were the ones that kept bringing the sun, stars and life to the world. We also looked for information about the Gods, to help us create signs and information for our museum.

In writing we had a big surprise! An Ancient Egyptian magic carpet suddenly appeared in our classroom. Therefore, we decided to use this to write an imaginative adventure story. This week we wrote the beginning of the story, setting the scene and introducing the characters. Next week we will continue the story, by describing how we flew the carpet back to Ancient Egypt and the start of our adventure!

Congratulations to Niamh who received first prize and Aiste who received third prize, in the Burns Poetry Competition for their recital of Mrs Nae Offence. Also well done to all the children in P3/4 as you all did so well with the poetry.

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