P7 Ceilidh

Yesterday, P7 attended the transition ceilidh at St Kent’s. It was brilliant fun and our behaviour was excellent. Miss Glencorse and Mrs Patterson were very proud of usIMG_1605 IMG_1607 IMG_1609 IMG_1610 IMG_1614 IMG_1616 IMG_1620.

Here are some photos of our afternoon.

On Monday afternoon, P7 had another fantastic input from Software Scotland and made some fantastic music. P6 attended the Tobacco input which they found very interesting.

The CAB Peer Educators are in school next Tuesday and we have written our song about graffiti for that. Today we had our auditions for our Burn’s Competition on Tuesday. Everybody did brilliantly and the two chosen to go through to Tuesday’s final were Rosie and Calvin. Well done guys!

13 thoughts on “P7 Ceilidh”

  1. As always you are all a credit to the school! πŸ™‚ Hope you all had fun swinging about the hall too!

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