10 thoughts on “So proud of you P6/7 !! What an amazing morning we all had”

  1. It was an amazing experience and we had lots of fun making our videos,the trip was the best trip I have ever been on!!!:)

  2. Kris says: it was a really good experience as well as the equipment like the £60.000 camera and the edit table :p

  3. our group finished early so we got to do a funny video and switch roles to do whatever we want in the funny video when Steven was a police officer and Abbie was a student from Steven and mellisa

    🙂 🙂 AMAZING 🙂

  4. it was a amzing trip anyone would love to go i think my mum and dad would off loved to see what was inside the amazing sky acabmey i think that was one or the best trip i have ever went to in my life

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