Outdoor Learning

P1/2 were the first this term to experience Outdoor Learning with Miss Reilly. They all soon realised that you don’t need a classroom to learn, you can learn anywhere!

We focussed on Literacy and used carpet letters to find letters and put in order of the alphabet. Great team work and cooperation! We then used chalk and the playground as our writing area… what a huge area! So we wrote our alphabet out. P2’s challenge was to write it backwards… tricky! The last challenge for all was to write their name as big as they could… Lots of learning and fun was had!

Here’s the children’s feedback:

Brooke –  “I liked the chalk writing the alphabet”.

Chloe – “We had to write our names big!”

Ellie – “The P2s had to write the alphabet backwards, it was tricky!”

Liam – “I liked when we had the challenge of writing our name big!”

Evan – “I loved it!”

3 thoughts on “Outdoor Learning”

  1. Owen Gibney says “Its a shame you needed to do all your hard work in the rain.”
    Hollie Smith said “Well done! I hope you had fun”
    Adam Brandon says “Keep up the good work!”
    Shai Hutton said “It’s sad that all the work washed away!”

  2. In our writing lesson we wrote about the fun we had with Miss Reilly doing Outdoor Learning. “It was great to look at the photographs and bring back the memories of what we’d learned” – says Niamh. We’re going to make a display outside our classroom with our writing and all the photos so everyone can see them.

  3. Primary 6/7 were sad that the rain washed your writing away but luckily your teachers kept photos as evidence. It’s a good thing it washed away because there is now a whole new surface to use.
    Sounds great fun -next time can I come out and join you?
    Have you thought of any new ideas to use the chalk?

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