Developing the School Garden

The P6/7 Nurture Group applied to the Access to Education Fund in November for money to develop the school garden and discovered recently that we were awarded the £5000 we asked for!
The group have been meeting with companies this month to buy a trim trail and this week the final plans were chosen. Creative Play are hoping to build the new play area over the Easter Holidays. This is a large part of the money, the rest is also spent and we are hoping that after Easter we can get into the garden to build our outdoor classroom space and wooden building area.
Spending the money has been fun, we are hoping that playing on the trim trail next term will be even more fun!

The photos show what we hope some of the areas will look like. We can’t wait!

seating areatrim-trail-circuit-hudson small world wooden play

3 thoughts on “Developing the School Garden”

  1. I do agree that our garden needing some new things to get it looking good again. Great ideas from you all so far… looking forward to seeing it take shape! Now just need the sunshine to go with it! 🙂

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