Pupil Council – Meeting Minutes – 3.2.15

I have put up a copy of all that was discussed at our meeting yesterday. Lots of discussions and great work – WELL DONE TEAM! 🙂

Pupil council meeting – Minutes



  • Tyler and Kris to go into P1 before next meeting and ask for any suggestions – STILL TO DO
  • Coni and Rachel to go into P2/3 before next meeting and ask for any suggestions – CONI HAS LIST (absent at moment)
  • Lucas to get old boxes to us to update – DONE
  • Feedback from Calum about Education City – All have usernames & passwords to use at home


  • House rewards – All went down to wall to remind ourselves what the rewards are and what points needed. All agreed they have to remind all about this and inform either Miss Reilly or Mrs Paterson when they reach a reward!


  • BLOG – Had a look at Pupil Council section. Lucas to add a reply about the house Rewards and Jessica to encourage people to write on Blog!


  • Fundraising – LENT – FINALLY got a date for a dress down day! J Decided on ‘Crazy Hair & Mad Hatter Day’. Will be dress down for all on FRIDAY 27th £1 to do so and money goes to main Lenten Charity.


  • Any suggestions in boxes – NOTHING in boxes so all to go back and remind all for next meeting.



  • Tyler and Kris to go into P1 before next meeting and ask for any suggestions. Also give updated box.
  • Coni and Rachel to go into P2/3 before next meeting and give updated box.
  • Jessica and Lucas to add to Blog
  • All to be given time to complete ‘Crazy Hair & Mad Hatters’ posters.


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