P3 New Learning Grid

Hello Primary 3!

I hope you are all well.

What a strange week we have just had!

Make sure you are staying safe and finding lots of different things to keep you busy in the house and garden. It is really important to get exercise every day and not sit working and playing on the computer. Today I was out in the garden enjoying the fresh air.  Some flowers have appeared over the week. There are red tulips and purple crocus bulbs sprouting. It wasn’t too cold and I managed to pull up some weeds.

It would be good to hear how you are all getting on, so send us a wee message letting us know what you have been doing.


Here is next week’s Learning Grid.

Week beginning 30th March Grid


You can do each day’s activities/tasks in any order you want. Use your jotter to record all the work and we will be able to look at them together when we are back at school.

Take care,

Mrs Doolan and Mrs Kean

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