Snapshot of this week’s learning

Although this has been a shorter week and we are all looking forward to our break, there has been plenty learning going on in Our Lady of Lourdes this week. Here are just a couple of examples from each class.

Primary 1/2

P1/2 have been learning about how to stay safe when using the internet and in Numeracy, have been working hard on adding and taking away.

Primary 2/3

In Numeracy P2/3 have been looking at time and in other areas, have been learning about the planets, and in particular, Saturn.

Primary 3/4

P3/4 learned The Lord’s Prayer and about passengers on board The Titanic.

Primary 4/5

P4/5 have been learning how to plat the F chord on the ukulele during Music time with Mrs Lang and have been working on algebra in Numeracy work.

Primary 6

Most of our P6’s have been at school camp this week. Between zip wires, team challenges and mountain biking, a great time was had by all.

Primary 5/6 and Primary 6/7

Primaries 5, 6 and 7 spent much of the week talking about how to stay safe on Social Media and in Gaming sites to mark Internet Safety Day this week. They created posters to highlight the message. Some of the issues raised were very interesting and very important. The class also worked together to create a fifth house for Hogwarts. The ideas were fantastic! J.K. Rowling might be wishing she had asked them before picking the four houses in her Harry Potter novels!

Phew! No wonder we need our break!!


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