Snapshot of our learning this week

Primary 1/2

P1/2 have been learning about adding in Numeracy and all about space, rockets and the moon for their topic.

Primary 2/3

P2/3 have been working really hard on both time and developing their growth mindsets.

Primary 3/4

P3 learned and practiced their 3 times table and P4 learned and practiced their 4 times table in Numeracy, using symbols and all their senses.

Primary 4/5

P4/5 have learned some street dancing this week. They also found out about the manager of The Titanic and highlighted key words about him.

Primary 5/6

P5/6 have been learning about fractions in Numeracy and practicing proof reading and redrafting in Literacy.

Primary 6/7

P6/7 had visitors this week who provided lots of information about Shale Mining in West Lothian and The Burngrange Mining Disaster. During their Harry Potter topic, P6/7 worked hard to create imaginative pieces of writing.



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