Snapshot of This Week’s Learning


Primary 1/2

In Maths, the children have been counting on in twos and learning the two times table. They have also been making shapes and working hard on their Space topic.

Primary 2/3

P2/3 have been learning all about how rockets take off and land. They have also been looking at and talking about the well being wheel.

Primary 3/4

The children have been learning about The Titanic and working very hard practising their times tables.

Primary 4/5

P4/5 have been working hard on number talks and problem solving in Maths this week. They have also been looking at and discussing the rooms on The Titanic.

Primary 5/6

P5/6 have had a tobacco awareness workshop this week which talked about second hand smoking. They learned in stays in houses for 5 hours!. The have also been working hard creating descriptive writing based on Harry Potter.

Primary 6/7

This week P6/7 have been deciding and talking about what they need to work on and creating their own targets. While working on profiles, they have also really enjoyed talking about the 50 things to do before you leave Primary School. During topic work for Harry Potter, everyone in class designed, created and wrote about a wizard or witch!

Another busy and successful week at Our Lady of Lourdes!

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