Snapshot Of Our Learning This Week

This week has been so busy with so many things achieved. Well done everyone! Here are just a few things that have been learned in each class.

Primary 1/2

Cole can count up to 20 and Niamh has been writing about things that make her happy at school.

Primary 2/3

Aiden can name some planets after learning about Space and Gabriela has been learning about sharing.

Primary 3/4

Alex has learned how to do some yoga and Sophie has learned new exercises in PE.

Primary 4/5

Robbie enjoyed learning about function machines in Maths and Tapiwa improved on his Beat That score in Maths.

Primary 5/6

The whole class have been working really hard on direct speech in Literacy and decimals in Maths.

Primary 6/7

Primary 6/7 have been learning about the tragedy of The Burngrange Mining Disaster. It showed us how valuable life is. As a class, we have been reading and enjoying Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, ready for our new topic of Potter Mania!

Phew! What a lot of learning! What will next week bring?


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