P3/4 this week

This week in topic we continued to learn about how the people lived in Ancient Egypt. We found out that they had ovens, fridges and even toilets! Although not as we know them today. We also learned that Ancient Egypt got so big and wealthy that when they conquered lands they would take all the wealth from that country and bring it back to Egypt. This included gold, jewels and people! The people would become part of Egyptian society, soldiers, scribes or slaves. We also continued to practise our Assembly and get the costumes ready!

The children are looking forward to performing this on Friday 18th at 9:30.

In maths we started to work on 3D shape, revised the names of some shapes and started to look at the properties, including faces, corners and edges.

The children said this week …
Ellie – we learned that the Ancient Egyptians had ovens and fridges.

Niamh – we learned that there were toilets in Ancient Egypt.

Aiste – we learned about dividing by 7.

Fern – P3 learned about dividing by 2.

Liam – we learned about 3D shape.

Lauchlin – we learned that 3D shape is a shape that has a length, width and height.

Robbie and Aiste – 3D shape have corners, edges and faces.

Ross – I enjoyed making costumes for the Assembly.

Jamie – I thought the clip of Life in Ancient Egypt was really interesting. So interesting that I went hope and watched it!

Well done P3/4.

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