Selfie Cop

We recently received information about an app called Selfie Cop from West Lothian’s Child Protection Officer.  I thought it might be something which our parents and pupils might be interested in; as social media continues to have such a strong influence on our young people.  This may be a worthwhile app for our young people to have to encourage good, positive habits when sharing images.


Selfie Cop is an app that can be installed on the phones/tablets of children (targeted at 8-13 year olds) and their parents to help children learn to think more about images they share.  Every time the camera is activated on the phone/tablet, SelfieCop pops up and asks the child if they are sure about sharing this image – the image will also be available for the parent carer to view.  The app is installed with the child’s awareness and permission – it’s not about spying on their activity, it’s about trying to instill good habits around thinking twice before sharing images.

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