P6/7 Update

IMG_1417IMG_1397Just before the holidays, Katie Marie and Rosie attended a West Lothian P7 Conference. It was held at Howden Park Centre and there were lots of other children there. The idea was to talk about all the things that are happening in our school and both girls said we were one of the best schools there for all the things that we do. Rosie also said there was a good buffet afterwards!! Her favourites were the king prawns and the tuna sandwiches and both girls went up for seconds!!

On the Friday before the holiday, Rosie received her prize for winning the annual CAB poster competition. She’s keeping her prize to spend at Christmas. Well done Rosie.

On Thursday of this week, Miss Glencorse, Melissa and Euan are attending the JRSO conference and will share all the news when they come back.

In our class, we set a challenge over the holidays to make a guitar, as our topic has been Rock Band. Lots of amazing efforts came in and we will post a picture when we have them all but we have to take a picture of Jessica’s effort today because it’s a cake and it’s about to disappear!

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