P6/7 Update

Money week has arrived in P6/7! Miss Glencorse’s Maths group have been set the challenge of buying in bulk and selling to try and make a profit. Which idea will be the most successful? We will be sure to let you know! We are also using the resources provided by RBS about opening bank accounts and looking after our money. As a whole class, we are making posters to advertise The Credit Union.

In Social Studies, we have created original songs in our bands and used the Video Star app to make real music videos. We are trying to find a way of getting these videos onto the blog to show you how professional we look. We are really looking forward to the input from Rookie Rockstars so we can release our inner Rock Gods!!

As this is October, we are working very hard learning about and praying The Rosary. Futsal starts this week. It is a form of football created in Brazil and will help develop our PE skills and teamwork skills

2 girls in our class will represent us at the P7 Conference on Friday and we look forward to all the information they bring back to us.

10 thoughts on “P6/7 Update”

  1. R-U-B-B-E-R-B-A-N-D-S are: strectey, pingey, sore when you fire them on your skin;), colourful and you can make a song a song and i’il like them:D

  2. i put a song twice think i forgot i typed it because i was destracted and also my eniglish is sometime hard to make out;)

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