Biggest Coffee Morning Ever !


P4/5 loved visiting this fabulous event run so professionally by p6/7 this morning ! We completed some coffee cup coasters and a group challenge to design some bunting to cheer up the tables for parents and friends to sit at .

Here is what we thought of Friday’s efforts….

Katie- wanted to stay longer and wondered if the pupils could have juice next year ?

5 thoughts on “Biggest Coffee Morning Ever !”

  1. Well i’il enjoy mysels and me and dean love being cookie brothers it so much fun and i’il enjoy it so much macmillan have so much money i’il try and put my explosive weekend of cockenzie power station getting blow up and the building just fell into each other XD

  2. Wow Michael lucky you being there to witness a truly historic part of Scottish History ! Looking forward to you telling us all about it tomorrow From Mrs C.

  3. I loved the coffee morning and thank you all who came along we raised £730 that is amazing and I loved all the cakes

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