The News Group met this week and Evan, Rio and Evie from P3/4 reported what they have been doing in class.
Primary 3/4 have been learning how to sketch and colour Romero Britto’s pictures we have also been learning how to do experiments with water. We found out about the DEC saving people in Nepal so please donate to the people in Nepal. Our teacher drew a squiggly line and we had to write our name at the top and colour it in it was really fun. In maths we have been learning how to do tens and units and take away sums. In March we held a bake sale in class we raised a whole lot of money for “SCIAF”. In a couple of weeks the P3’s will be making their reconciliation they are really excited about it.
We loved your bake sale! From Mrs C
we really had fun with typing and writing it down. CANT WAIT TILL THE NEXT MEETING MRS.LOVE!!!!!