First ever webcam link tonight at 6pm!

Don’t forget P5/6 we are going LIVE at 6pm . We would love it if you could join us so all you need to do is log in go to your launch pad open your emails and a webcam link has been sent to you inbox from Mrs C. This makes our GLOW meetings secure and safe so only pupils/teachers invited by Mrs C will be allowed to join us ! Remember to keep an eye in the chat box in the bottom right hand corner and if you are having trouble hearing or speaking type your issue in the chat box so Mrs C can help you ! GOOD LUCK-don’t panic if it does not work for you tonight we will be recording the meeting to show the class tomorrow …..

2 thoughts on “First ever webcam link tonight at 6pm!”

  1. So proud of the technology skills being shown by p5/6 tonight ! Well Done to Calvin Rosie Renee and Abigail we got there and now we UNDERSTAND how to operate the meet room we can show everyone else …..From Mrs C

  2. Sorry I missed this Mrs C and P5/6. I thought it was Friday. Hope it all went well and can’t wait to hear about it. I was on skype at that time to my brother in Vienna.

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