3 thoughts on “Primary 7 school camp”

  1. The journey to camp was quite long. It took us about 2 hours to get there. We went past the Kelpies and they were amazingly HUGE!!! We went past the Forth Road Bridge and we even saw a very long train go past! The traffic wasn’t as busy as we thought it would be.
    When we arrived at Belmont we had to make our own bed and settle in. We got a tour and met our Instructors before the activities started. The Instructor’s names were Cake, Alice, Ian, Rowena and Emma.
    We all enjoyed the activities, including the Tree Climb. Some of us kept falling of the blocks but we still had fun!
    All of the activities were amazing, including the night time activities . We had pirates and travellers, snakes and ladders, egg challenge and on our last night we had a great disco for night.
    Our overall experience was incredible and we could go back in a second! By Niamh, Novaleigh and Fiona.

  2. The journey was very fun and we could talk as we went. It was a fairly quick journey and everyone was so excited!
    When we arrived everyone thought it was so cool but it looked pretty old. All the dorms looked the same from the outside.
    The dorms were not what we expected they were all joined together and it was awesome to be with our friends. We all hung out and shared sweets and drinks.
    The instructors were called Cake, Ian, Emma, Rowena and Alice. The instructors were good at their jobs, they were very friendly and fun.
    The activities were fun and we all were good at team work. Our adrenaline was pumping! Our favourite activities were Crate Climb, Mohawk Walk and Tree Climb .
    We thought the food could have been better and we thought there could be a bit more of choice but that’s only a few of us. It was good food and we enjoyed eating it. You could get milk, orange juice or water!
    Owen s Owen t Stephen h Lewis w Christopher C !

  3. School Camp

    We thought that the activities were good. We really enjoyed nightline and we all got really muddy and blind folded. Some of us fell so many times! We did living out doors and we enjoyed the fire and cooking marshmallows over it. Then we could eat them. By Abbie

    When the girls first arrived at Belmont we got to meet our instructor and he took us to our dorm. We thought that all the girls would be in 3 different dorms but it seemed to be that all the girls were in one big cabin thing. There was two bad things about the dorms. It was that it was so warm at night but then that all got fixed. The second bad thing was that the showers went cold after the third person but that doesn’t really matter. All together and our overall we liked the dorms. By Hollie

    We all liked the food but we think it could have been a bit better. However it filled us up for the whole day and it was warm food. We always had 2 choices and in the morning we had eggs, sausages, toast, beans and fruit. Our choices of drinks were water, orange juice, apple juice or milk and you could get yoghurts.

    By Abbie


    On the way there to camp it was good because we got to have a stop for a snack, drink or the toilet. The journey there was not too warm, that was good because no one felt sick. On the way back it was ok but the bus was way too warm and the journey felt longer. I liked the fact that we got to shut the curtains.

    By Hollie

    Me, Hollie and Natalia all had the same instructor and his name was Cake. People call him that because he fell in a wedding cake so now from that day he gets called Cake. Our other instructor is called Alice. She is kind and helpful and encouraging to people and she is from Wales.

    By Abbie

    Our experience

    Our experience was good. We mostly gave it a 10 when we had to rate it. All the activities were good and we liked that they were different than last year. When we went round we all said it would be good for next year’s P7. By Hollie

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