AAL group are organising a Walk to School Challenge

P5/6 are running a Strider Challenge for all classes next Friday 23rd May 2014 to encourage everyone to be more active and experience walking 200m just like Mrs Paterson will do with the Commonwealth Baton in June! Pop back to the blog next week to see how the event went when the AAL team will publish photos taken on their devices for you!

8 thoughts on “AAL group are organising a Walk to School Challenge”

  1. Christopher says our class have made some Walk to School Batons for this event.
    Calum says This will be fun and interesting to see how pupils come to school next week.
    Abbie says We are going to walk 200m just like Mrs Paterson with the real baton!
    Kai L says we used a trundle wheel to measure the football pitch -Its perimeter measures 72m

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